Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kraljevo, Serbia, www.mfkv.kg.ac.rs 5th Int'l Scientific Conference Heavy Machinery '05
June 28 - July 3, 2005, Matarushka Banja, Serbia,
Organized by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kraljevo - University of Kragujevac.

On the road to Matarushka Banja, Pirot-Nis, The Cicevac Gorge, Serbia Conference HM'2005, Hotel Termal, Matarushka Banja, Serbia Meetings, Heavy Machinery '05 Conference Heavy Machinery '05, Conference opening Heavy Machinery '05, Welcome messages Heavy Machinery '05, Coffee break Denyo Alipiev, Paper presentation, HM'2005 Prof. Dr. Julieta Kaleycheva, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, Paper presentation, HM'2005 Heavy Machinery '05 Conference, paper presentations and discussion Heavy Machinery '05 Conference, the visit to Studenica Monastery, the mother-church of all Serbian temples Studenica Monastery, built in the late 12th century, near city of Usce in the valley of Studenica River in central Serbia Visit to Zica Monastery Hotel Termal, Matarushka Banja, Getting ready for the trip back to Bulgaria On the road to Sofia, Nis-Pirot Serbia, The Cicevac Gorge, the famous tunnels Serbian side of border with Bulgaria
pictures: CastingArea